Meet Emmy


My Story

Hi, I’m Emmy Love! An author, copywriter, digital marketer, creative, dog lover and daydreamer.

I come from New Zealand and studied acting and scriptwriting in Wellington. From there, I had an amazing career working on cruise ships throughout the world, where I got to visit beautiful places like Italy, Spain and LA.

I have always been a writer and storyteller at heart, and I have carried a notepad and pen wherever I go.

In my twenties, I wrote many film scripts (still under my bed), one of which was called Single Sal.

It wasn’t until my thirties that I decided that life was too short not to be doing what you love. So, I turned Single Sal, the TV pilot, into a novel, and I continue to write every day. (okay, most days wink)

If you’re a writer or reader of romcoms or women’s fiction, or you like reading blogs related to all things love, then feel free to follow along on this journey with me.

With love,

Emmy. xx


Author Emmy Love

Emmy Love's passion for writing and storytelling started at a young age. After a career travelling the world on cruise ships, she now utilizes her background in acting, marketing and copywriting and writes romantic comedies with her two adorable writing assistants Mercedes and Bentley. Follow her on Facebook or Instagram for her latest book release!